
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Deniss is beginning to get a little overwhelmed at school. He is a smart kid and understands most of the concepts but learning in english is difficult. He is not only learning new concepts but has to understand the english words as well. Tests are difficult because he doesn't understand written english as well as he does spoken english. He says he gets headaches. We have been told that there is such a thing as "english" headaches.

He does miss his friends in Latvia. He also says he misses his language. I can understand that. Every aspect of his life has changed. He is really adapting well considering the overwhelming amount of change in his life!

Aaron is adapting to a new brother and to high school as well. Of course he has lots of old friends to help in the high school thing.

The boys are playing in the Atlanta Cup soccer tournament this weekend. But of course nothing could be simple. Deniss plays in Duluth. Aaron plays in Fayetteville. Deniss has his first game at 8AM Saturday so he and I will go spend the night in Duluth Friday night. Ken and I will switch kids on Sunday. They only have to play Monday if they go to the finals.

More later.....


Monday, August 20, 2007

The first week of school went by without any real problems. We did have issues with Deniss being able to read some of the instructions and questions on his homework - but of course we knew that would happen. We are settling into a routine with school and soccer now.

Deniss says he had lots of time with nothing to do in Latvia. He says he wasn't so busy as he is here. I guess we are teaching him to be a typical American teenager.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well I was on pins and needles all day thinking about the boys and their first day of high school. I knew Aaron would find his friends and be fine. I wasn't so sure how Deniss would do. He can sometimes go into his shell around people he doesn't know. But - to my surprise, when I got home, he was all smiles. He had a great day. He said people were very friendly and lots of people wanted to be his friend. Some friends of Aaron's (girls) found him at lunch and had him sit with them. He was quite pleased with the day.

I took the boys to school yesterday and today. Taking Deniss to school has really started to make all of this feel permanent. I knew it was before but somehow - it is really taking hold now.

I picked Deniss up from soccer practice last night to take him to find new shoes. We stopped and got some dinner before heading home. We kept a conversation going all of that time. He has really started talking more about his childhood. We talked about Christmas and Santa. He said he never believed in Santa because Santa never came and brought him anything. He said he never got much for Christmas or birthdays. I told him that Santa would bring him something this year. He just smiled.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Well - today is a big day! Deniss and Aaron started high school today. Today is the day when we really get to feel that Deniss is here to stay and not just visiting again. Both boys were nervous starting a new school. Aaron will be fine once he finds his friends. Deniss just needs a few days under his belt. This is a much larger school than he has even attended. His school in Latvia had about 200 students. McIntosh has over 2000 students!

The boys played in a soccer tournament over the weekend. It was HOT!!! We watched them play against each other on Saturday. Deniss' team won - but it was close. We didn't enjoy that game some much because we couldn't cheer for either side!


Monday, August 6, 2007

I got back from my trip yesterday. I was really glad to see my boys. Deniss was in the yard waiting for me.

We went to the first night of family VBS at church. That was fun. Deniss had seen pictures of us from the last one back last fall. He had fun helping the children make wooden boats. Aaron helped make ropes.

This weekend will be the first soccer tournament of the season. We are looking forward to seeing the boys play. Deniss' and Aarons' teams will play against each other in the second game. That will be nerve racking!

One week until the start of school. I think the real adjustment issues will start then. We'll see.
